Skoolie Livin Member Registration

Join the largest school bus conversion community & classifieds marketplace!

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Skoolie Livin Community

The Skoolie Livin Community is where Members talk about their build, get help, ask questions, share travels, and more.

Community Rules


Rules for Skoolie Livin Members

  1. Help others. The skoolie community is truly a community based around helping others, so provide insight or help answer questions when you can!
  2. No spam, scam, or fraud. All automated messages, advertisements, links, and spam will not be tolerated. Scams or fraud is strictly forbidden. If any of this is reported by other members, your account will be immediately banned.
  3. Respect other users. No flaming or abusing other members of the community. Users who continue to post inflammatory, abusive comments will be banned at Skoolie Livin moderators’ discretion.
  4. No Harassment. No harassment of other users will be tolerated. Any instance of threatening or harassing behavior is grounds for being banned from the use of the website.
  5. No Illegal content. No re-posting of copyrighted materials without permission or other illegal content is allowed. Any posts containing illegal content or copyrighted materials without permission will be removed. Multiple attempts will result in your account being banned.
  6. Neighborhood Watch. Help monitor our community & report when you see any posts or experience any actions that violate these community rules outlined above.

Member Registration


Member Registration Form

$29 / 6 months

Semi-Annual Subscription.

Cancel Anytime from the Account Dashboard and still get the remainder of your paid period.

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